Featured athlete: Ian Fletcher – Grade 12 – Lincoln High School – 17 years old



What makes this person so special for your team?

Ian is a wonderful young man, who always has a smile on his face along with his outgoing personality which is an inspiration to everyone on our team.

What does he bring to the sport?

Ian brings an awareness of commitment and humor all rolled into a senior leader on our team.



Reason why you are out for (Indoor, outdoor and or XC)?

I guess because I have a love-hate relationship with running probably more love than hate, the only part I actually hate is the running itself.

What other sports do you compete in during the year?

Occasionally I will play tennis but track and XC have been my primary commitments this season and hopefully the rest of the year as well.

What activities, aside from sports do you regularly participate in?

I am part of the concert and jazz band at Lincoln High School.

What is your favorite workout? / Least favorite?

My favorite workout is a track interval workout. Strides, arms and abs are my least favorite because it burns and brings on a sense of suffering.

How has being on the track team impacted you as a person?

Track has taught me how to live a healthy lifestyle along with feeling a lot more confident about myself.

What do you do to prepare before a major meet…..sleep, eat, mental prep, training, etc..

I drink a lot of water and I tend to sleep a lot.  I might eat a Gatorade chew to put something in my system, but I don’t really eat much before a meet otherwise it’s going to end up on the track.

Who are your inspirations? Who motivates you?

My teammates inspire are what inspires me I am always wanting to get better or faster like they are and that is what pushes me and motivates me as well.